Truro Farmers Market
Truro Farmers Market
You will find us at Truro Farmers Market every Wednesday and Saturday throughout the year. Here we sell a wide range of garden plants including shrubs, perennials and much more. Listed here are a range of plants we will hopefully have for sale during the coming year. This is not a definitive list and I know there will be other plants appearing on the market. Also please ask if you are after a particular plant as we may have one tucked away or may be able to source it for you. Please note that not everything on this list may be ready all at the same time. Any of these can be brought to the market, please ask.
Climbers Herbaceous Shrubs Exotics/Architectural
Akebia quinata |
Clematis montana |
Holboellia latifolia |
Jasminum officinale |
Jasminum officinale ‘Clotted Cream’ |
Jasminum polyanthemum |
Passiflora ‘Lavender Lady’ |
Passiflora ‘Snow Queen’ |
Passiflora atropurpurea |
Sollya heterophylla |
Trachelospermum jasmioides |
Herbaceous |
Agapanthus ‘Arctic Star’ |
Agapanthus ‘Black Magic’ |
Agapanthus ‘Indigo Dreams’ |
Agapanthus ‘Jacaranda’ |
Agapanthus ‘Navy Blue’ |
Agapanthus ‘Purple Delight’ |
Agapanthus ‘Queen Mum’ |
Agapanthus ‘Regal Beauty’ |
Agapanthus ‘Silver Baby’ |
Agapanthus ‘Snow Queen’ |
Agapanthus ‘Twister’ |
Anemone ‘Fantasy Red Riding Hood’ |
Aristea ecklonii |
Arthropodium ‘Matapouri Bay’ |
Astrantea ‘Roma’ |
Cyclamen coum |
Cyclamen hederifolium ‘Pink’ |
Cyclamen hederifolium ‘Silverleaf’ |
Eryngeum picos ‘Amethyst’ |
Euphorbia characias ‘Black Pearl’ |
Geranium ‘Bobs Blunder’ |
Geranium ‘Patricia’ |
Geranium ‘Rozanne’ |
Gladiolus communis ssp byzantinus |
Kniphofia ‘Rufus Rasta’ |
Kniphofia rooperi |
Libertia grandiflora |
Lobelia tupa |
Lychnis ‘Gardeners World’ |
Polygonatum multiflorum |
Salvia uliginosa |
Salvia uliginosa ‘Ballon Azure’ |
Thalictrum ‘Black Stockings’ |
Thalictrum ‘Elin’ |
Thalictrum ‘Hewitts Double’ |
Thalictrum splendide |
Thalictrum splendide white |
Shrubs |
Acacia baileyana purpurea |
Acacia boormanii |
Acacia longifolia |
Acacia pravissima |
Acca sellowiana |
Agapetes ‘Ludgvan Cross’ |
Anisodontea ‘El Royo’ |
Azalea Knapp Hill ‘Glowing Embers’ |
Callistemon ‘Mauve Mist’ |
Callistemon ‘Perth Pink’ |
Callistemon salignum |
Ceanothus ‘Blue Sapphire’ |
Coronilla glauca citrina |
Crinodendron hookerianum |
Drimys lanceolata |
Eucalyptus crenulata |
Eucalyptus urnigera |
Euphorbia mellifera |
Euryops pectinatus |
Fatsia japonica |
Ficus ‘Brown Turkey’ |
Grevillea lanigera ‘Mt Tamboritha’ |
Grevillea rosemarinifolia ‘Jenkinsii’ |
Grevillea victoriae |
Hebe ‘Marty Brown’ |
Hydrangea aspera ‘Hot Choclate’ |
Isoplexis canariensis |
Justica rizzinii |
Paulownia tomentosa |
Physocarpus opufolius ‘Brown Sugar’ |
Pittosporum ‘Silver Queen’ |
Pittosporum ‘Tom Thumb’ |
Polygala dalmaisiana |
Prostanthera cuneata |
Prostanthera ovalifolium variegatum |
Prostanthera rotundifolia |
Prostanthera rotundifolia ‘Pink’ |
Pseudopanax ‘Moas Toes’ |
Rhaphiolepsis umbellata |
Salvia corrugata |
Trachycarpus fortunei |
Ugni molinae ‘Flambeau’ |
Ugni molinae ‘Kapow’ |
Viburnum burkwoodii |
Westringea fruticosa |
Exotics/Archtectural |
Blechnum braziliense ‘Volcano’ |
Cyathea australis |
Cyathea cooperi |
Dicksonia antartica |
Echium ‘Snow Tower’ |
Echium wildpretii |
Ensete ventricosa ‘Maurelii’ |
Geranium maderiensis |
Geranium maderiensis ‘Guernsey White’ |
Melianthus major |
Musa basjoo |
Musella lasiocarpa |
Tetrapanax papyrifera ‘Rex’ |